"Not at your age!"
"Why would you want to even try? What a waste of time!"
"Don't you watch the news? No one's getting a loan these days!"
"What are you THINKING??!!??"
These are the things my most recent buyers were probably told by their well-meaning friends and family, no doubt. I mean, really, why would ANYONE who reads the news try to buy a house these days, when you're in your early 20s, married for just a year, and have a child to think about? Why risk making such a big investment, especially when you're so young? Why not just rent for another three or four years, THEN try to buy a home?
Well, rebels that they are, didn't let any negative nellies deter them! They had been responsible with their credit habits and respectful of the value of their hard-earned money. Why SHOULD they keep paying rent to a landlord month after month? Why SHOULDN'T they pursue their dreams to be owners of a home of their own?
And so they found me, and we started their home search! And only three houses in, they found "THE ONE". It was well-priced a short sale in great condition that they offered on LAST JUNE, with no response from the seller until the middle of JANUARY.
"Are you sure you don't want to visit some other houses, just to see what else is out there?", I said to them on more than one occasion.
"No, we love this house, and we're happy to wait and see what happens.", they always replied.
After months and months with little or no response to our inquiries regarding any progress that was (hopefully) being made, I'm pretty sure they must have been about ready to give up...but now I think that we're ALL a bit surprised at how things have turned out!
We are all very happy that this wonderful family received the keys to their dream house last night!