Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winding another year in real estate....

...and reflecting on the wonderful events that have occurred in 2012!  Business really took off for me this year, my third as a Realtor.  I was busy starting in January and only slowed down long enough to take a break for Christmas.

2013With roughly $2,000,000 in sales volume this year, I am very thankful to have earned a great income, which has benefited my family immensely.

I am even more thankful still for the many new clients I gained these last 12 months.  Some of these amazing people have become dear and treasured friends - this is an unexpected and heart-warming "side effect" of being in this business, I am discovering.  My life is richer for having met them, and I will forever be appreciative of the honor and opportunity I have been given in helping them take such a big step in their lives.  This is a very rewarding "job", indeed!

Wishing you all great success, prosperity, friendship, and love in 2013 - make it your BEST year EVER!
